Scottish and Irish family history useful links


Scottish family history

Advice on tracing Scottish family history

Advice from the National Records of Scotland on where to find records that might help trace your Scottish ancestors.


Scotland’s People

Birth, marriage and death records, parish registers, and census records for Scotland. There is a charge to use this website.


Scottish records on Find My Past

Details of Scottish records available on Find My Past. This is a paid-for site, but you can access it for free at ERO and in Essex Libraries. You will need to register for an account to use the site.


Scottish records on Ancestry

Details of Scottish records available on Ancestry. This is a paid-for site, but you can access it for free at ERO and in Essex Libraries.


The Scottish Genealogy Society

An Edinburgh-based society which helps with research into Scottish family and local history.



Northern Irish family history

Advice on tracing Northern Irish family history

Advice on family history records from the government of Northern Ireland.


Public Record Office for Northern Ireland

Find out about records at PRONI that might be useful for tracing Northern Irish family history here.


Northern Ireland records on Ancestry

Details of Northern Irish records available on Ancestry. This is a paid-for site, but you can access it for free at ERO and in Essex Libraries.


Birth, marriage and death registrations for Northern Ireland

Search indexes of births, deaths and marriages registered in Northern Ireland, and order copies of certificates.


Emerald Ancestors

1.5 million genealogy records for Northern Ireland. Requires a subscription.


Ulster Historical Foundation

Searchable database and advice on genealogy.


North of Ireland Family History Society

Advice on genealogy for the nine counties of Ulster.


Republic of Ireland family history

The National Archives of Ireland

Archive of government records for the Republic of Ireland.


Birth, marriage and death registrations for the Republic of Ireland

Order copies of certificates for births, marriages and deaths registered in the Republic of Ireland.


Republic of Ireland records on Ancestry

Details of Republic of Ireland records available on Ancestry. This is a paid-for site, but you can access it for free at ERO and in Essex Libraries.


Republic of Ireland records on Find My Past

Details of Republic of Ireland records available on Find My Past. This is a paid-for site, but you can access it for free at ERO and in Essex Libraries. You will need to register for an account to use the site.


Roots Ireland

Searchable database of Irish Catholic Church records. Requires a subscription.


Irish Genealogy

Searchable index of births, marriages and deaths, including church records and government records.